How To Write Leave Application for Office: Important Tips and Templates

Updated: 25 April 2024


What Is a Leave Application?

A leave application is a formal document or request submitted by an employee to their employer, usually through a designated process or form, to formally request Time off from work for a specified period. A leave application aims to inform the employer about the employee’s intention to take Time off and seek approval for the leave.

Types Of Leave Application

Leave applications can be categorized based on various factors, including the purpose of the leave, the duration, and whether the leave is paid or unpaid. Here are some common types of leave applications:

  • Annual Leave/Vacation:

Planned Time off for holidays or personal reasons accrued over employment.

  • Sick Leave:

Time off for illness may require medical documentation.

  • Maternity/Paternity: 

Leave for childbirth or adoption, including parental care.

  • Bereavement Leave:

Time off for grieving the loss of a family member.

  • Educational Leave: 

Time off for relevant training or education.

  • Military Leave: 

Time off for military service obligations.

  • Study Leave: 

Time off for exams or formal education.

  • Compassionate Leave:

 Time off for seriously ill family or friends.

  • Emergency Leave: 

Immediate Time off for unforeseen events.

  • Remote Work Leave 

Time off to work remotely, from home, or while traveling.

Components Of Writing Leave Application in Office

  • 1. Recipient Details:

Name and contact information of the recipient.

  • 2. Sender Details:

Your name and contact information.

  • 3. Subject Line:

Briefly state the purpose of the leave request.

  • 4. Greetings:

Start with a polite greeting.

  • 5. Reason for Leave:

Clearly state why you need the leave.

  • 6. Leave Dates:

Specify the dates you’ll be absent.

  • 7. Supporting Documents:

Attach any necessary documents.

  • 8. Work Plan:

Briefly explain how you’ll handle your responsibilities during your absence.

  • 9. Closing:

Thank them for considering your request.

  • 10. Contact:

Provide your contact details for any questions.

You keep it simple, clear, and polite.

One-Day Leave Application for Office


The Manager

[Company Name.]

[Company Address.]


Subject: Application For One-day Leave for Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. I am requesting leave for one day because I have to do my important work tomorrow. Therefore, Kindly Grant me leave for One day. I will be present in the office the next day.

Thank you for considering my Application. Please let me know if there are any further requirements or if you need additional information. I am available for any necessary handover or discussions before my leave.

I am looking forward to your understanding and approval.

Thank You.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Signature if sending hard copy]

Template of Leave Application For Office

“It’s important to take a break when you’ve experienced significant changes in your life.”


Leave Application for Personal Reasons in Office


[The Manager]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]


Subject: Leave Application for Personal Reasons in Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have an important personal matter in my hometown, so I cannot come to the office from [Start Date] to [End Date].

Kindly grant me leave for [Number of days] days. I will be very much thankful if you grant me the leave. It will be very helpful for me.

I am attaching any necessary documentation related to my request. I will be available for urgent matters and can assist remotely.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Signature if sending hard copy]

“Your challenges can be best overcome with a calm mind. Your ultimate weapon against tough times is a peaceful state of mind.”

Bryant McGill

Two days Leave Application for Personal Reasons in Office.


[The Manager]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]


Subject: 2 days leave Application for Personal Reasons in Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

With Due Respect, I cannot come to the office from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to personal reasons.

Kindly grant me leave for two days. I will be very much thankful if you grant me the leave. It will be very helpful for me.

I am attaching any necessary documentation related to my request. I will be available for urgent matters and can assist remotely.

I will ensure that any ongoing tasks are handed over without a hitch and that my workload is organized to minimize disruption.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Signature if sending hard copy]

“True rest is simple and peaceful, without tasks or repairs.” 

ennifer Williamson

Three days Leave Application in office.


[The Manager]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]


Subject: 3 DaysLeave Application Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a 3-day leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason: e.g., personal matters, family emergency, illness, etc.].

I have ensured that my current tasks are up to date and will coordinate with my team to manage any pending responsibilities during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Signature if sending hard copy]

“Instead of giving up, learn to take breaks when you feel exhausted.”


Emergency Leave Application for Office


The Manager

[Company Name.]

[Company Address.]


Subject: Emergency Leave Application for Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. I am requesting a 3-day emergency leave from [start date] to [end date].

An unexpected family emergency requires my immediate attention during this period. I will do my best to ensure that any urgent tasks are completed or delegated before my departure.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging Time.

Thank You.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Signature if sending hard copy]

“Individuals who are occupied with a lot of work are the ones who require a break the most.” 

Pico Iyer
What should I include in my leave application?

Your leave application should include your reason for leave, the dates you’ll be absent, and any necessary supporting documentation.

Do I need to provide a reason for my leave?

Typically, employers require employees to provide a reason for taking leave, which may include personal illness, family emergencies, or planned vacations.

Should I discuss my leave with my manager before submitting an application?

It is recommended to discuss your leave plans with your manager before submitting a formal application. This can help to clarify things and address any concerns upfront.

Do I need to provide any supporting documentation with my leave application?

Depending on your company’s policies, you may need to provide supporting documentation, such as a doctor’s note for medical leave or a travel itinerary for vacation leave.

What if my leave request is denied?

If your request for leave is denied, discuss with your manager to understand the reason and explore if there are any alternative arrangements that can be made to accommodate your needs and the needs of the business.

Muhammad Usama

Muhammad Usama

I am Muhamad Usama, an experienced application writer. I aim to help you master the art of writing applications in English. Together, we will explore the intricacies of application writing and unlock the keys to success in achieving your academic and professional aspirations.

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