Cookie Policy

Updated: 9 March 2024


What are Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are commonly used to make websites work more efficiently and to provide information to the website owners.

How We Use Cookies

We use three types of cookies on our website:

1. Essential Cookies: 

These cookies are necessary for the website to function correctly. They enable core functionality such as page navigation and access to secure website areas. Without these cookies, the website will not function properly.

2. Analytical/Performance Cookies: 

These cookies allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they use it. This helps us improve how our website works, for example, by ensuring that users find what they are looking for easily.

3. Functionality Cookies: 

These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name, and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Third-Party Cookies

We may also use third-party cookies to help us analyze and improve our website’s performance. Third-party service providers provide these cookies and may include services such as Google Analytics.

You consent to cookies using our website as described in this Cookie Policy. You can control and delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies on your computer and set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences whenever you visit a site, and some services and functionalities may not work.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to update or change our Cookie Policy anytime. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date.

Contact Us

If you have questions about our Cookie Policy, please Contact Us.

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